
Our top tips on everything from saving money to insurance itself

Insurance Insider

What is an act of god?

An act of god is defined as ‘any accident or event that is not influenced by man’. For insurance purposes, a simpler way to put

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No Claims Bonus Explained
Insurance Insider

No Claims Bonus Explained

No-claims bonus (NCB), otherwise referred to as No Claims Discount, is a way you can cut the cost of car insurance. The terms for no-claims

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We’re currently experiencing a high volume of calls into our contact centre and whilst we are doing our very best to maintain service levels, we ask that you only call our contact centre if absolutely necessary so we can keep our phone lines available  for vulnerable customers and those who don’t have access to online services.

If you need to check any details or make a change to your policy, please  log in to your Self-Service Centre. It will be much quicker for you to make changes to your policy online at the moment. Once logged in, you can also use our Webchat service which is available Monday- Saturday 8am-6pm and Sunday 10am-4pm to make changes, accept or decline your renewal or if you need to let us know about a claim. To log in, please click here.

We also have some other information that may be useful. Click here to read our FAQ’s, and information on what we are doing to support key workers can be found here.