If your van breaks down, once you’ve added in call out fees, motorway tow truck charges and garage bills, you could be looking at a hefty repair bill.
When you take out RAC Breakdown Assistance for your van, you’re putting yourself in the hands of the most experienced breakdown organisation in the UK. With friendly staff and a 24/7 helpline, they’ll do their best to try and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
What's covered?
- UK roadside - if you're more than 1/4 mile from your home address, the RAC will aim to fix your van at the roadside. If this is possible, they will take your van and up to 8 passengers to the nearest garage, or a destination of your choice, within 10 miles of the breakdown
- UK roadside and recovery - the same cover as UK roadside, but the RAC will also take your van and up to 8 passengers to your chosen destination or to your home address.
- UK roadside, recovery and at home - the same cover as UK roadside and recovery, but the RAC will also provide assistance if you are at your home address or within 1/4 mile of your home address.
- UK roadside, recovery, at home and onward travel - the same cover as UK roadside, recovery and at home, but you'll also get either replacement vehicle hire for up to 24 hours; onward travel by another means or overnight accommodation while your vehicle is being repaired. Cover is up to a limit of £150 per person or £500 for your party, whichever is less.
- EU and UK roadside, recovery, at home and onward travel - the same cover as UK roadside, recovery, at home and onward travel, but you'll also be covered for assistance in 48 European countries.
Things to remember
- A breakdown that could have been prevented by the regular servicing of your van
- Any claim that isn’t a breakdown. E.g. a road traffic accident or an act of vandalism
- Any labour provided at the garage to which the vehicle was taken
- Any vehicle that is in excess of 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass, or longer than 5.5m (7.6m when towing a trailer or caravan)
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